DBnomics (https://db.nomics.world) is a free platform, developed by the CEPREMAP, Banque de France et France Stratégie, that aggregates publicly-available economic data released by national and international statistical institutions. It includes more than 600 millions series from 62 different providers : Bank of International Settlements, European Central Bank, Eurostat, INSEE, IMF, Federal Reserve (Board of Governors), OECD, World Bank, etc. The value added of DBnomics is that it represents a unique economic database with wide, systematic coverage of economic data, in order to simplify the retrieval of economic data. The tool was conceived to improve data handling process in macroeconomic research, with three objectives : (i) simplifying retrieval of economic data (ii) automatically providing updated data (iii) allowing reproducible results. We built examples to update automatically the database of Smets and Wouters (2003) or Christiano, Motto and Rostagno (2014) : https://macro.cepremap.fr/category/data.html