Program > Papers by speaker > Kankanamge Sumudu

The Underlying Mechanisms of Entry and Exit in the Small Business Sector
Sumudu Kankanamge  1@  , Alexandre Gaillard  1@  
1 : Toulouse School of Economics  (TSE)  -  Website
Toulouse School of Economics
Manufacture de Tabacs, 21 allées de Brienne 31000 Toulouse -  France

This paper gathers new evidences on small business owners' entry and exit behaviors and emphasizes the importance of business transfers. It introduces a new theoretical framework designed to account for the underlying mechanisms of entry and exit with endogenous option to buy, found, sell or liquidate business assets. The model embeds a business for sale market with asset transfers and an equilibrium price designed to capture both the intertemporal and the intangible value of a firm. We use the model to characterize the important mismatches occuring on the business for sale market and recount the current episode of aging entrepreneurs and its consequences

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