Costly Default and Asymmetric Real Business Cycles
Olivier Pierrard  1@  , Pablo Garcia  2, *@  
1 : Banque centrale du Luxembourg
2 : Toulouse School of Economics  (TSE)  -  Website
Toulouse School of Economics
Manufacture de Tabacs, 21 allées de Brienne 31000 Toulouse -  France
* : Corresponding author

We augment a simple Real Business Cycle model with financial interme-
diaries that may default on their liabilities and a financial friction generating social
costs of default. We provide a closed-form solution for the general equilibrium of the
economy under specific assumptions, allowing for analytical results and straightforward
intuitions. Endogenous default generates a negative skew for GDP and a positive skew
for credit spreads, as found in US data. Stronger financial frictions cause a rise in
asymmetry, which amplifies the welfare costs of fluctuations. A Pigouvian tax on finan-
cial intermediation alleviates the costs of fluctuations at the expense of a steady-state
distortion. In most cases, the welfare-maximizing policy also attenuates asymmetry.

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