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Program > Program
Thu. 26
Fri. 27
Thursday, March 26, 2020
›8:30 (30min)
Registration and welcoming coffee
8:30 - 9:00 (30min)
Registration and welcoming coffee
›9:00 (15min)
9:00 - 9:15 (15min)
›9:15 (1h30)
A1 - Labor market institutions
Thepthida Sopraseuth
9:15 - 10:45 (1h30)
A1 - Labor market institutions
Thepthida Sopraseuth
The Life-cycle Profile of Worker Flows in Europe
- Linas Tarasonis, Vilnius University [Vilnius]
09:15-09:45 (30min)
A Joint Theory of Polarization and Deunionization
- Tobias Föll, University of Cologne
09:45-10:15 (30min)
Public and Private Employment in a Model with Underemployment
- Thepthida Sopraseuth, Thema Université de Cergy Pontoise
10:15-10:45 (30min)
›9:15 (1h30)
A2 - Fiscal policy
Anastasios Karantounias
9:15 - 10:45 (1h30)
A2 - Fiscal policy
Anastasios Karantounias
Should monetary policy care about redistribution? Should fiscal policy care about inflation? Optimal monetary policy with heterogeneous agents
- XAVIER RAGOT, Sciences Po
09:15-09:45 (30min)
The Transmission Channels of Government Spending Uncertainty
- Anna Belianska, Aix-Marseille University
09:45-10:15 (30min)
A general theory of tax-smoothing
- Anastasios Karantounias, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
10:15-10:45 (30min)
›9:15 (1h30)
A3 - Inequality and redistribution
Ctirad Slavik
9:15 - 10:45 (1h30)
A3 - Inequality and redistribution
Ctirad Slavik
Helicopter Drops of Money under Secular Stagnation
- Jean-Baptiste Michau, Department of Economics, Ecole Polytechnique
09:15-09:45 (30min)
Political Activism and the Provision of Dynamic Incentives: The Guardians of the Pie in the Battle for Redistribution
- Antoine Camous, University of Mannheim
09:45-10:15 (30min)
Finance and Inequality: A Tale of Two Tails
- Ctirad Slavik, CERGE-EI
10:15-10:45 (30min)
›9:15 (1h30)
A4 - Foreign exchange rate
Evgenia Passari
9:15 - 10:45 (1h30)
A4 - Foreign exchange rate
Evgenia Passari
Towards a new monetary theory of exchange rate determination
- Michael Kumhof, Bank of England
09:15-09:45 (30min)
Shocks and Exchange Rates in Small Open Economies
- Vito Cormun, Boston College
09:45-10:15 (30min)
Exchange Rates and Commodity Prices
- Evgenia Passari, Université Paris-Dauphine
10:15-10:45 (30min)
›9:15 (1h30)
A5 - Monetary policy
Gee Hee Hong
9:15 - 10:45 (1h30)
A5 - Monetary policy
Gee Hee Hong
Monetary Non-neutralities when Credit Constraints Bite
- Ivan Jaccard, European Central Bank, DG-Research
09:15-09:45 (30min)
Long-term business relationships, bargaining and monetary policy
- Tommaso Trani, Universidad de Navarra [Pamplona]
09:45-10:15 (30min)
The Real Effects of Monetary Shocks: Evidence from Micro Pricing Moments
- Gee Hee Hong, IMF
10:15-10:45 (30min)
›10:45 (30min)
Coffee break
10:45 - 11:15 (30min)
Coffee break
›11:15 (2h)
B1 - Macroeconomic effects of fiscal shocks
Laurent Ferrara
11:15 - 13:15 (2h)
B1 - Macroeconomic effects of fiscal shocks
Laurent Ferrara
Fiscal Stimulus and Skill Accumulation over the Life-Cycle
- Laure Simon, European University Institute
11:15-11:45 (30min)
Are Fiscal Multipliers Estimated with Proxy SVARs Robust?
- Giovanni Caggiano, Monash University
11:45-12:15 (30min)
Sovereign Default and Imperfect Tax Enforcement
- Francesco Pappada, Paris School of Economics
12:15-12:45 (30min)
Questioning the puzzle: fiscal policy, real exchange rate and inflation
- Daniele Siena, Banque de France
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›11:15 (2h)
B2 - Consumption behavior
Florian Exler
11:15 - 13:15 (2h)
B2 - Consumption behavior
Florian Exler
House Price Expectations and Housing Choice
- Jochen Mankart, Deutsche Bundesbank
11:15-11:45 (30min)
A Model of Expenditure Shocks
- Eric Young, University of Virginia, Zhejiang University, Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland
11:45-12:15 (30min)
Confidence, Fundamentals, and Consumption
- Donghoon Yoo, Institute of Social and Economic Research (ISER), Osaka University
12:15-12:45 (30min)
Consumer Credit with Over-Optimistic Borrowers
- Florian Exler, University of Vienna [Vienna]
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›11:15 (2h)
B3 - Expectations and heterogeneity
Erwan Gautier
11:15 - 13:15 (2h)
B3 - Expectations and heterogeneity
Erwan Gautier
A Quantitative Analysis of Distortions in Managerial Forecasts
- Tiziano Ropele, Bank of Italy
11:15-11:45 (30min)
Will Artfificial Intelligence Replace Computational Economists Any Time Soon?
- Pablo Winant, Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Paris, Centre de Recherche en Économie et Statistique (CREST)
11:45-12:15 (30min)
The Factor Structure of Disagreement
- Fabian Winkler, Federal Reserve Board
12:15-12:45 (30min)
Inflation Expectations and Consumption Decisions
- Erwan Gautier, Banque de France, Laboratoire d'économie et de management de Nantes Atlantique
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›11:15 (2h)
B4 - Firm dynamics
Stefano Fasani
11:15 - 13:15 (2h)
B4 - Firm dynamics
Stefano Fasani
The Underlying Mechanisms of Entry and Exit in the Small Business Sector
- Sumudu Kankanamge, Toulouse School of Economics
11:15-11:45 (30min)
Measured Productivity with Endogenous Markups and Economic Profits
- Anthony Savagar, University of Kent
11:45-12:15 (30min)
Bottom-up Markup Fluctuations
- Basile GRASSI, Bocconi University
12:15-12:45 (30min)
Firms Dynamics and Policy Uncertainty Shocks
- Stefano Fasani, Queen Mary University of London
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›11:15 (2h)
B5 - Financial frictions and fluctuations
David Gauthier
11:15 - 13:15 (2h)
B5 - Financial frictions and fluctuations
David Gauthier
Costly Default and Asymmetric Real Business Cycles
- Pablo Garcia, Banque centrale du Luxembourg
11:15-11:45 (30min)
Sovereign Risk, Financial Fragility and Debt Maturity
- Dallal Bendjellal, Aix-Marseille University, AMSE
11:45-12:15 (30min)
Bubble-Driven Business Cycles
- Benjamin Larin, University of St.Gallen
12:15-12:45 (30min)
Financial Shocks and the Debt Structure
- David Gauthier, Paris School of Economics
12:45-13:15 (30min)
›13:15 (1h15)
13:15 - 14:30 (1h15)
›14:30 (2h)
C1 - Heterogeneity in macroeconomics
Lorenza Rossi
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
C1 - Heterogeneity in macroeconomics
Lorenza Rossi
Workers, Capitalists, and the Government: Fiscal Policy and Income (Re)Distribution
- Cristiano Cantore, Bank of England, University of Surrey
14:30-15:00 (30min)
Automation, Growth and Factor Shares
- Joseba Martinez, London Business School
15:00-15:30 (30min)
Capital Intensity and the Labor Share of Income: New Theoretical and Empirical Insights
- Lorenza Rossi, University of Pavia
15:30-16:00 (30min)
›14:30 (2h)
C2 - Finance and international macroeconomics
Kenza Benhima
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
C2 - Finance and international macroeconomics
Kenza Benhima
Masking the truth or softening the blow? U.S. banking deregulation and sectoral reallocation after the China trade shock
- Ruslanova Lilia, Department of Economics, University of Zurich
14:30-15:00 (30min)
Financial spillovers and global risk in an estimated structural three-region model
- Massimo Giovannini, European Commission - Joint Research Centre [Ispra]
15:00-15:30 (30min)
One Ring to Rule Them All? New Evidence on World Cycles
- PUY Damien, "Research Department International Monetary Fund (IMF)"
15:30-16:00 (30min)
News, sentiments, and capital flows
- Kenza Benhima, University of Lausanne (HEC - Lausanne)
16:00-16:30 (30min)
›14:30 (2h)
C3 - Fiscal and monetary policies
Thomas Grjebine
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
C3 - Fiscal and monetary policies
Thomas Grjebine
Monetary independence and rollover crises
- Jorge Mondragon, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
14:30-15:00 (30min)
(Dis)Solving the ZLB equilibrium through Income Policy
- Jacopo Bonchi, Sapienza - University of Rome - Guido Ascari, University of Oxford
15:00-15:30 (30min)
Public Liquidity Demand and Central Bank Independence
- Jean Barthelémy, Banque de France
15:30-16:00 (30min)
The Macroeconomic Effects of Lump-Sum Taxes
- Thomas Grjebine, Centre d'Etudes Prospectives et d'Informations Internationales
16:00-16:30 (30min)
›14:30 (2h)
C4 - Fiscal multiplier
Aurélien Eyquem
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
C4 - Fiscal multiplier
Aurélien Eyquem
State dependent Fiscal Multipliers with Preferences over Safe Assets
- Ansgar Rannenberg, National Bank of Belgium
14:30-15:00 (30min)
Macroeconomic Frameworks
- Daniel Murphy, University of Virginia Darden School of Business
15:00-15:30 (30min)
Fiscal Multipliers: a Tale from the Labor Market
- Anna Rogantini Picco, European University Institute
15:30-16:00 (30min)
Taking off into the Wind: Unemployment Risk and State-Dependent Government Spending Multipliers
- Aurélien Eyquem, University of Lyon II and GATE
16:00-16:30 (30min)
›14:30 (2h)
C5 - Fluctuations
Gauthier Vermandel
14:30 - 16:30 (2h)
C5 - Fluctuations
Gauthier Vermandel
Is there News in Inventories?
- Christoph Gortz, University of Birmingham [Birmingham]
14:30-15:00 (30min)
A Rational Inattention Unemployment Trap
- Martin Ellison, University of Oxford [Oxford]
15:00-15:30 (30min)
Firms' Labor Market Power and Aggregate Instability
- Nicolas Abad, Centre de Recherche en Economie Appliquée à la Mondialisation
15:30-16:00 (30min)
Endogenous Trends
- Gauthier Vermandel, Laboratoire d'Economie de Dauphine, Paris Sciences et Lettres Research University, France Stratégie
16:00-16:30 (30min)
›16:30 (30min)
Coffee break
16:30 - 17:00 (30min)
Coffee break
›17:00 (1h)
Michèle Tertilt
(University of Mannheim)
Consumer debt and default: A macroeconomic perspective
Keynote speaker #1
17:00 - 18:00 (1h)
Michèle Tertilt
(University of Mannheim)
Consumer debt and default: A macroeconomic perspective
Keynote speaker #1
›20:00 (2h30)
Gala Dinner
20:00 - 22:30 (2h30)
Gala Dinner
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